
Protection oil is used to create a shield of protection around yourself, your home, or your loved ones. Here are some common uses:


1. **Anointing:** Apply the oil to doorways, windows, or other entry points to your home to create a protective barrier.


2. **Personal Protection:** Apply the oil to yourself or your loved ones for personal protection from negative energy, harm, or psychic attacks.


3. **Protection Spells:** Use it as an ingredient in spells or rituals aimed at protection from negative influences, hexes, or curses.


4. **Warding Off Negativity:** Anoint objects such as amulets, talismans, or jewelry to ward off negative energy and protect against psychic attacks.


5. **Safe Travel:** Use the oil before traveling to protect yourself from accidents, harm, or negative energy during your journey.


6. **Cleansing Rituals:** Use the oil to cleanse and purify your space, removing any negative energy and creating a protective barrier.


Remember to focus your intention on protection and safety while using the oil to maximize its effects.

Additional information
Weight 0.052 kg

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